Bayer Garden produce a number of insecticides, weedkillers and fungicides. They are sold under brands such as Provado, Sprayday, and Fungus Fighter.
We are often asked if it safe to apply these when, children, pets, animals and wildlife may be present.
Gardeners are sometimes concerned by the wording under the "Storage and disposal" section which reads "KEEP PRODUCT AWAY FROM CHILDREN AND PETS". This only refers to the storage of the original product when it is not in use. It makes sense to keep these products out of reach, on a high shelf, in a location where children, pets and animals do not have access.
When using any of these products children and pets may play once the applied product has dried. This advice is given, not because of safety concerns for children and pets but because of the risk of these individuals transferring product to other areas of the garden where they may cause harm to plants. (for example, a dog that walks on an area treated with weedkiller could then walk onto a lawn and so cause dead grass patches by transferring weed killer on their paws)
To protect wildlife, especially insects, it makes sense to spray insecticides in the cool of the evening. Pollinating insects are no longer active and any winds tends to die down and so ensure that spray does not drift. Also there is less risk of damage to sensitive leaves, flowers or plants under stress.